Enlightenment Reiki:
Embodying Original Reiki to Heal and Transform Your Life
A 6 Session Online Course with Sally Littleton, Ph.D., Psychotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher, and Founder of Enlightenment Reiki
Discover a clear pathway into your True Self through experiencing original Japanese Reiki.
Increase your spiritual energy to heal your mind and body.
Do you desire a deep relationship with yourself and Spirit so you can be healthy and live fully in the moment with confidence?
You may be tired...so sick and tired of hiding yourself...and giving up yourself for others. Maybe you’ve lost your way or your confidence. You don’t know how to be truly who you are while staying close and helping the people you care about. You yearn for a deeper spiritual connection and to authentically express yourself.
Are you feeling frustrated because you know you really need more for yourself?
If you answered yes, then here’s why:
You’ve been giving so much of yourself to others for a long time and you realize that you need a way to heal yourself and stop being depleted while still truly caring for others. When focused solely on others, you not only become disconnected from yourself, but also from your connection to them. It’s nearly impossible to maintain a profound spiritual connection in this state.
Our culture has taught you to ignore the truth that you’re a divine being having a human experience.
You were taught to neglect your needs and care only for others, but this doesn’t work to truly help others or yourself...
You can regain your awareness of who you are and regain your spiritual connection to whatever resonates with you, God, Source, or Universal Energy.

That’s why I created a 6 session online course called:
“Enlightenment Reiki: Embodying Original Reiki to Heal and Transform Your Life.”
As you develop an Original Japanese Reiki practice for yourself, you’ll experience balance in your body promoting more vibrant health. Your mind will be filled with calm and peace. It’s not required that you believe anything. When you experience Reiki, you’ll feel a deep connection to Spirit, devoid of doubts.
Over the 6 sessions, you’ll receive at least 5 Reiki empowerments, learn Original and modern Japanese Reiki methods including foundational Reiki principles, meditation, and hands-on-healing. You will learn to share and receive Reiki from others. Not only will you earn the Usui Reiki Ryoho Level I certification, but you’ll develop confidence that allows you to honor your own needs.
My promise to you is that in this transformational 6 session course, I will personally guide you in learning how to experience energy, embrace practices to strengthen your connection, and claim a life of peace and confidence. Your experiences in this course will bring you more peace, clarity, compassion, and deeply fulfilling connections.
By the end of this course, you will intensify your spiritual connection, learn to heal yourself and receive whatever you need, be able to live in deeper peace and harmony with your own thoughts, circumstances and other people, no matter what may come.
My Story & Personal Invitation
to You
As a seeker of personal health, peace and spiritual enlightenment, I’ve been practicing Reiki for more than 25 years. When as a PhD psychotherapist in a private practice, my health continued to deteriorate, I encountered Reiki and was quickly sold on the personal benefits.
For many years, I focused on the teachings from my Western Reiki Masters, which helped me cope with increased physical challenges. But when I found Original Reiki practices, everything changed. I found all of my Reiki energy experiences intensified. After years of disability, the pain and stress that I’d been dealing with for decades began to disappear.
As I progressed, I found that not only could the Original Reiki practices help me to heal myself, but amazingly, I discovered that they also helped me to remain calm during times of severe stress.
Throughout my husband’s four potentially fatal strokes, I would tremble and my heart would pound. I had a throbbing migraine, terrible back pain, and I’d be paralyzed with fear. I couldn’t imagine living without him.
During his 5th stroke episode, even when his specialist explained he’ll always be at high risk of death, and again, a year later, when my youngest daughter hemorrhaged and nearly died in childbirth, I was able to stay calm, helpful and present through it all. I remained at peace, knowing that I am always safe—no matter what may happen. I never even got a headache.
Life will always present challenges but when we live embracing the practice of Reiki, as taught by the Founder, the pain and fear recedes.
~ We can continually increase our personal health, our calmness and our spiritual connections.
~ We can find deep joy in every moment, everything and every being that we encounter.
~ When we reach this place, we will transform ourselves and the world.
Practicing Original Japanese Reiki has helped me so much, along my path, that I feel compelled to spend the rest of my life sharing it with others. So, that’s why I created this course, especially for you.
Angela Seagraves
Coaching and Healing
"Dr. Sally Littleton is an Amazing Reiki Practitioner! She did a distance session for me that was loving, healing and revealing. I received messages from my Guides about healing areas in my life that I have been working on for many years. I am so excited to have received this information so I can take my healing to a deeper level. I am grateful for this session and the insight I received. Finding Sally has been a true Blessing!"
Leslie Friend
On The Spot Reflexology
"I would highly recommend Sally. She has helped me on many levels. During a Reiki treatment, as soon as Sally touched my wrist, the extreme pain stopped.”
Francine Sandell
Cranial Sacral Therapist
"Sally is a gifted Reiki practitioner. Her presence and intuition, accompanied by her lengthy training in energy healing and her former practice as a psychotherapist and counselor, give her a profound depth of understanding which sets her apart. Her sessions with me increase my experience of sacred light and help me to self-heal through the release of emotional and energetic blockages in my body. I am grateful and honored to have found this Reiki Master."
Here’s What You’ll Learn:

Session 1: The Foundation of Reiki: Opening to the Transformative Power of Original Reiki
In this first module, you’ll learn the foundations of the Original Japanese Reiki system and begin practicing. Learn the history of Reiki and receive your first Empowerment, connecting you permanently to the higher Light vibration of Reiki. Experience Reiki energy through self-healing and meditation.
In this module, you’ll discover how to:
Recover your natural balance, moving toward perfect harmony
Experience the highest dimension energy by receiving Reiju Empowerment.
Build your energy through meditation. Take on pure Reiki and keep it pure.
Apply Reiki, in many useful ways, to your own life

Session 2: The Power of Vibration: Becoming a Reiki Practitioner
In this module, we will review Reiki precepts and I will introduce you to chanting the precepts in Japanese. Deepen your experience with guided meditation, second Reiju Empowerment, and hands-on-healing. Learn the Original Japanese Reiki connection and cleansing technique.
In this module, you’ll discover how to:
Raise your vibration by spreading the Reiki of love and harmony.
Experience increased focus through Reiki meditation.
Expand the power of your Reiki energy connection by receiving the second Reiju empowerment.
Remove disharmonious energy from your body, mind and spirit.

Session 3: Reiki Your Life: Engaging Your Daily Practice for Connection and Vitality
In module 3, you will learn the Reiki precepts in Japanese and English, and further experience energy in guided Reiki meditation. In addition to receiving the third Reiju Empowerment, you’ll also practice hands on healing. You’ll understand the importance of daily Reiki practice for physical and emotional healing.
You’ll discover how to:
Customize methods of self-healing and daily practice to your own needs.
Deepen your awareness through the simplicity of Reiki practice.
Receive the third Reiju empowerment, intensifying your connection with Reiki.
Practice hands-on healing in a controlled environment facilitated by your instructor.

Session 4: Self-Discovery: Recognizing Your Authentic Power
In this module, we will deepen our understanding of precepts chanting, continue to embrace techniques and practices to strengthen Reiki connection, and share energy with your fellow participants. You’ll also receive the fourth Reiju Empowerment and share your experience.
You’ll discover how to:
Further your awareness and understanding as Vital energy comes in, circulates, and leaves your body, erasing any energy blocks.
Purify your inharmonic conditions and discover methods to stop their return.
Receive the fourth Reiju Empowerment to improve the power and quality of your Reiki.
Practice hands-on healing with personalized guidance from your instructor.

Session 5: Your Energy Connection: Embracing the Light and Energy
In the fifth module, you will experience the Reiki remote energy exchange. This fundamental treatment offers deep healing by Reiki vibration at a distance. You will further develop Reiki Meditation, Energy Work, and daily treatment protocols for continued focus. You will also receive the fifth Reiju Empowerment.
You’ll discover how to:
Discover Reiki remote energy exchange and how to use it yourself.
Cleanse negative energy whenever you choose and allow more Light.
Receive the fifth Reiju Empowerment, further strengthening your Reiki.
Choose daily treatment protocols for continued focus and growth in the art of Reiki.

Session 6: Integrate It All: Cultivating a Potent Future Pathway for Your Life
In this final module, you will learn an exciting new foundational meditation to balance your energy and solidify your Reiki practice discovering even more ways to embrace your Reiki journey, while embarking on what comes next.
You’ll discover how to:
Activate vital energy, natural healing and immunity power.
Safeguard the quality of your Reiki vibration, ensuring your energy won’t diminish, with the 21-day Reiki Routine.
Connect Heaven and Earth energy as taught by Mikao Usui, founder of Reiki, to balance Mind, Body and Spirit.
Retired Nurse
Grayling, Michigan
“I recently completed the level 1 Reiki class with Dr. Sally... I am using Reiki to deal with everyday problems and stressors and I have helped some family members with Reiki treatments... The best thing about Reiki is that it can be used by anyone who wants to receive the energy of the Light of the Universe to heal themselves in the way they know best.”
Interlochen, Michigan
“My hip had been bothering me for some time and I was having work, personal and body stress. PT, chiropractic and massage helped minimally. When Sally gave me Reiki, the pain went away completely. Immediately, I felt deep relaxation and pleasantly warm."
Shoden Level I Reiki Student
Traverse City, Michigan
“After practicing the assigned Reiki class homework, The Reiki Precepts morning and night and Self healing meditation each day for one week, my longstanding seasonal depression lifted and has remained gone. It's a miracle!”
Retired Nurse
Traverse City, Michigan
" From the first class session, I was immediately intrigued and wanted to learn more. Sally is very knowledgeable about original Japanese Reiki and freely shares her expertise. I was inspired to take more classes completing my Reiki Master Practitioner class last year. She continues to inspire and mentor me and I look forward to learning more from her.”
Here’s what you’ll receive:

6 Recorded Video Teaching Sessions
Each session will be a recorded video of Dr. Sally (between 60-90 minutes long) where she will teach techniques and give guided meditations and Reiju Empowerments.

Enlightenment Reiki Level I Manual
You’ll receive a Full Color Reiki Shoden Level I Manual detailing the Beginner’s Teachings: Reiki history, principles and practices taught by Renowned Reiki Master Hiroshi Doi.

Practices and Meditations For Each Session
Each session you will receive techniques and guided meditations that will support and deepen your understanding and practical integration of Original Reiki.

Access To A Private Course Portal
All the course materials and resources will be accessed through a private, course portal. All recorded videos, audios and course materials will be downloadable, so that you’ll have permanent access whenever you choose.
3 Course Bonuses
#1 ~ Instant Bonus: Webinar - Introduction to Essential Oils with Dr. Ramona Pleva
In this exclusive introduction to essential oils you will learn what essential oils are and how they can support your healthy lifestyle habits. Dr. Ramona Pleva is the owner of Northern Lights Chiropractic in Traverse City, MI. Through the course of her practice, she has learned the therapeutic properties of using essential oils to support a healthy lifestyle. ($197 value)

#2 ~ Course Bonus: Audio Series: Embody the Elements with Angela Seagraves
In this 5-session audio mini-course, you’ll learn to incorporate the Elements – Earth, Fire, Water, Air & Spirit – into your everyday life helping you better understand yourself and align with your Purpose. Angela Segraves is a Herbalist, Spiritual Soul Guide, Energy Worker, Mentor and Reiki Master Teacher. ($247 value)

#3 ~ Instant Bonus: Making Nature Your Ally: A Shamanic Guide to Using Natural Elements for Balance and Healing (eBook + audio meditation)
Originally from California, Iris Meyer is a shamanic healer and teacher who now lives in Switzerland. She has trained in an eclectic mix of Native North and South American, Celtic and Earth Wisdom Traditions as well as shamanic and ancestral healing techniques. A natural intuitive empath, psychic and medium, she has been called by the ancestors to help people connect with spirit on their journeys of personal transformation and healing. She gives healing and coaching sessions worldwide via zoom or skype. You can find out more about her and her work at www.brightshaman.com ($247 value)

Your Teacher and Guide:
Sally Littleton, Ph.D.
Dr. Sally Littleton is a Ph.D. psychotherapist, Reiki Shihan with over 25 years of practice, Master Teacher Practitioner, leader, mentor and Founding owner of Enlightenment Reiki.
Through dynamic college and private Reiki courses, teaching the personal practice of Original Japanese Reiki, Dr. Littleton guides her students to heal themselves and receive whatever they may need. Her life focus is to share her knowledge by teaching Reiki as a way of life by integrating original Reiki techniques. Students embrace practices helping them become more fully who they truly are, find a deeper spiritual connection and learn to embody a state of health, joy and everlasting peace.
Embodying Original Reiki to Heal and Transform Your Life
A 6 Session Online Course with Sally Littleton, Ph.D., Psychotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher, and Founder of Enlightenment Reiki